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Requirements: 3Com Palm III series, Palm V series, Palm VII, Handspring Visor or Palm OS 3 compatible

Bzzzzz... Slurrrp... Chomp.... Mmmm - crunchy flies..... Life's easy for a frog - or so you thought. But what if those flies decided to get their own back..... ? You've got to keep your frog happy for as long as possible, until the nasty little mosquito bites get the better of him.

Bzzz! is Astraware's latest offering in their popular range of $5 games! You can also get Bzzz! for Windows, this month celebrating two years on the web!


Download Bzzz!1.1
ZIP (79K) - SIT (81K)
Online registration details coming soon! Bzzz! for Palm is only $5!

Last updated: 18 Jun 2000
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